601 Luzerne St, Johnstown PA
News & Events
WPC is on SOCIAL MEDIA! Many of you are on Facebook or Youtube, and if you are, we ask you to go to the church's social pages and "like" or "subscribe" to us. We often use Facebook to communicate information with members, and we want to reach as many people as possible through this social media. Our services and programs will all be broadcast live and uploaded to our youtube page each week. Thanks!
NOTICE: If you would like to be on the church email list, we need your current email address. If you have moved and need a change of address listed, or if you have a new phone number please contact the church office at 536-0796 or email info@wesmontpc.org. This information is important to keep our records at the church up-to-date.
Electronic Giving Program - Members and non-members have the option of having their regular donations automatically withdrawn from a checking or savings account or a credit card. Also, we are adding a feature to our website which will enable anyone to donate to special programs (Camp Scholarships, Music Ministry, Mission, etc.) from any computer. Please contact the church office if you have any questions.
Local Mission Emphasis - The Mission Ministry Team has been working hard to finalize all of the details for our upcoming mission work in Johnstown. We would appreciate greatly if you would support us in your prayers. Please pray that our work and interactions with the community will bring glory to our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you!
Building Use – Any event being planned that uses the church facility must be on the church calendar, before it is published. Plan ahead by calling the church office to make sure of the availability.
Deacons / St. Clement Food Pantry - As part of our community outreach, the Deacons are reorganizing our effort to support the St. Clement Food Pantry. This food pantry serves needy families from the Westmont, Southmont, and Upper Yoder areas. As always, we need your help! Please bring any non-perishable foods and place them in the shopping cart that is located by the basement elevator lobby outside of Fellowship Hall. Items can be brought at any time and placed in the cart. Most needed items are cereal, canned juice, and sauces. The Deacons will deliver them to St. Clement Church in time for distribution the third week of every month. Please help us help needy families. As always, thank you for your generous support of this outreach ministry.
Volunteer Clearances - If you have not yet submitted your volunteer clearances, please see Danielle Kendig. Those of you with clearances on file will be notified if it is time to submit updated forms. All adult volunteers must have current forms on file with the Christian Education office to volunteer for anything involving children and youth programs. Thank you!
Contact Persons Needed: If you live at home alone and would like to give the church office a contact person in case of an emergency, please call the church office and we will update your information. We will be sure to keep this information confidential.
Parents - For all parents who wish to be in the loop on activities for your kids, be sure your and your children's information is given to the office (including grade levels). Our database is used frequently to compile contact lists for activities and events and we want to be sure you're information is up-to-date!
Hospitals – Please call the church office if you, a family member, or if you are aware that another member of the church is hospitalized. The hospital doesn’t always know your church membership, and sometimes doesn’t tell us even if you have told them upon admittance. Thank you.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance – If you are interested in donating money to help in the relief effort following the terrible earthquake in Nepal, you can do so through Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. You can go on-line to pcusa.org, and follow the directions there, or you can write a check to Westmont, mark it for Nepal Relief, and we will then forward that amount to PDA. Please be in prayer for the people of Nepal.
Prayer Chain – If you would like to be a member of the Prayer Chain, and receive Prayer Requests by email, please call the church office at 536-0796.
Weekly Breakfast – There are many special ways friends and members of WPC get together for times of fellowship, and one of them is the weekly Men’s Breakfast at Jax Diner. The men meet every Wednesday at 7:30 AM. All are welcome and encouraged to join in – it’s the perfect way to nurture church family relationships!
Prayers and Squares – Can you touch a prayer? You can if it is tied into a prayer quilt made by our Prayers and Squares group. If you know someone who is in need of prayer support and would like to have a prayer quilt made…..or if you want to be part of this ministry, please call the church office at 536-0796. Our ministry is also making and donating handmade masks to minister to the community during the current pandemic. If you or your organization would like to request masks, please call the church office.
Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Just a reminder that our church is equipped with an assisted listening system. Receiver units with headphones are available from the ushers.